紹介 About.

-2013 USA. -2019 JPN. -2022 Thai. 2022- India と生活情報を基本に旅行、飛行機、車、グルメなどをご紹介しております。
Welcome to Y’s café.
About here, basically, I want to shear about -2013 USA. -2109 JAPAN. -2022 Thailand and 2022- India information. Especially, Travel, Air plane, Vehicle and Gourmet, So, Could you please enjoy the Y’s café. Thank you.


  1. こんにちは。アメリカにしばらくおられたのですか? 私のブログをご訪問いただき、どうもありがとうございました。今後とも、貴ブログをたびたび訪問させていただきます(^^) よろしく!

    • Tukusigalさん。コメントありがとうございます。はい。アメリカに6年程駐在しておりました。すきあらば、二度目の駐在を狙っております。ありがとうございました。

  2. あはは、すきあらば、ですね(笑)。Good Luck!

  3. Nice coming across your blog! I lived in Kobe for 12 years, I absolutely love Japanese culture 🙂

  4. Hi your blog is amazing.Last year for our honeymoon we decided to visit Japan….Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. Wonderfull place and people…and yes Kobe beef is really good, you won’t eat other meat like this (I’m writing from Italy).

    • Piacere glittersandchocolate-san. Thank you for comment on Y’s café. At first, My heartiest congratulation to you both and thank you for came to Japan. You guys many place visited, many delicious dishes ate I think. I like kobe-beef. However, It is expensive. I can’t eat everyday. ^^; I’m never been to Italy. I like Italian food. I want to go to Italy someday, then I want eat real pizza, pasta and wine while watching the Mediterranean. Thank you.

  5. Thanks for dropping by 🙂 And giving the page a look 🙂

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